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Judith A. Abeles (Mock)
Lana Abram (Caputo)
Sharon L. Acker (Burk)
George W. Adams
Arnold E. Adelman
Terry Adelsberger
Janet L. Akins (Dollar)
Betty J. Albright (Ivory)
David J. Albright
Mary Albright (Hricko)
Starr L. Albright (Cunningham)
Carmillina M. Amorosa (Suenkonis)
Allen D. Amrhein
Linda Anderson (Boettcher)
Paul A. Anderson
James H. Andros
Richard T. (Rick) Angermeier
Christian W. Anslinger
Charles J. Anthony
Hyman E. Antikol
Samuel J. Apple
Thomas E. Ardrey
John A. Arthurs
Stephen E. Artz
Richie E. Ashburn
Nancy L. Aughenbaugh (Maurer)
F. Jack Auker
John F. Bagley
Jennifer B. Bailey (Monn)
David L. Baird
Joan Baird (Daoro)
Bonnie S. Baker (Plowman)
Deborah L. Baker (Detrich)
Doris M. Baker (Frederick)
Robin Baker
Nancy Balestino (Bodden)
Harry T. Ballos
Larry Balsley (Balsley)
Howard L. Banks
Wendy L. Bare (Hainley)
Terry L. Barley
Joseph L. Baronner
Arnold P. Barr
Dennis P. Barree
Dixon E. Baumbach (Lusson)
Mark A. Baumgardner
Richard D. Bayer
Richard P. Beard
Laura L Beasom (Sutton)
William R. Beasom
Dianne M. Becker
Patricia A. Becker (Phillips)
Sheldon D. Beckwith
Kathleen A. Beech (Cassarly)
Paul R. Behe
Mina Belka (Noce)
David N. Bell
Deborah A Bell (Brown)
Frederick H Bell
Louis F. Bender
Sandra Benjamin (Bernazzoli)
Alan L. Berkstresser
Gladys M. Berkstresser (Mi…)
Joel Berman
James L. Berry
Milton Robert (Milt) Betting
Gary D. Bevan
Grace A. Bidoli (Steinbugl)
William T. Billings
Tali S. Bistline (Young)
David L. Black
Vera J. Black (Whetstine)
Dennis E. Blackie
Thomas R. Blontz
Barbara A. Bloom (Weaver)
Pamela J. Bloom (Skomra)
Arlene A. Bobetich (McCully)
Robert W. Boggs
Rodney E. Bohner
Paula A. Bolan (Halloran)
Derwood R. Bollinger
Anne B Books (Moroneso)
Patricia B. Boorman (Bless)
Marian L. Bougher (Dietz)
Phyllis C. Boyer (Chicirdo)
George W. Boyles
Jeanne Arlene Boyles (Dornes)
Barry G. Bradfield
Richard E. Bradley
Eugene S. Brawley
Jay A. Brett
Mabriel R. Bridgers
June A. Brode (Brauchle)
William J. Brolley III
Ronald J. Brown
Roscoe D. (David) Brownell
John E. Brubaker
Bonnie Brumbaugh (Knouse)
Gretchen Bruns (Garrity)
Thomas D. Buck
David C. Buckreis
Sharon A. Bulick (Brantner)
Rick D. Bumgarner
Michael J. Burgmeier
Walter P. Burk
Donna M. Burket (Wiegand)
Judy A. Burket (Richards)
Roger C. Burket
David Alan Burkey
Charles C. Burley
Dorothy Burns (Eicher)
Leonard A. Burns
Lorraine Burris (Gerlach)
Russell J. Burris
Shirley K. Butler
Jerome L. Butterworth
Jeffery L. Callan
Linda S. Camberg
Anthony J. Campanaro
Carmella A. Caparella (Snowberger)
Thomas J. Caporuscio
Amerigo D. Caporusci…
Robert S. Caputo
John P. Carey
Philip Carlin
Paul D. Carnell
Barbara A. Carney (Oare)
David C. Carothers
Terrance L. (Terry) Carot…
Sherry A. Carter (Woods)
Ronald A. Casatelli
James A Casciotti
Lorraine A. Cascoitti (Keech)
Dennis P. Casey
Mahlon "Woody" Cashman
Susan Cashman (Greco)
Terry A. Cashman
Dolores Casillo (Cassano)
Michael K Cassidy
Bud Cawthern
Nancy A. Cawthern (Singer)
Carol A. Champeno
Joseph F. Cherry
Linda J. Cherry (Noonan)
Carol A. Chilcote (Pensyl)
Donna C. Chilcote (Quatrara)
Linda L. Chuta (Mannion)
Mary E. Ciavarella
Isabelle Cipriano (Roselle)
Edith L. Claar
Susan A. Claar
William H. Claar
Jeff Clabaugh (Clabaugh)
Ron L. Clair
Carole A. Clemens
Christine C. Clinger
Cheryl D. Cogan (Fronauer)
Darrel. L Coke
Daniel Cokrlic
Julius A. Colabove Sr.
Sandra K. Cole (Brooks)
Bonita Colello (Behe)
James J. Colombo
Carolyn M. Condron (Cherry)
Carol Conklin (Cashman-Feathers)
Deborah A. Conley (Foreman)
Anne E. Conrad (Kochel)
Connie L. Conrad (Rickabaugh)
Constance Conrad (Kowalski)
George Conrad
Jack Conrad
Janet Conrad (Desko)
Ronald P. Conrad
Vincent P. Conroy
Linda Cooper (Lang)
Dewey L. Corbin
David E. Corle
Patricia A. Corle (Slone)
Russel E. (Russ) Cor…
Bruce A. Costello
Mary Ann Cotter (Mummert)
Daniel J. Cox
Linda Cox (Dobbie, D. Ed. )
Margaret R. Creighton (Sto…)
Sandra L. Crider (Smith)
Harry T. (Tom) Cross
Rebecca A. Cross
Nancy Crowl (Weston)
Linda J. Cuff (Jordan)
Carol A Culley
Edwin C. Cummings
Joe B. Cupples
Pam Curran (Meador)
Louise Z Dalby (Snyder)
Robert L. Dalton
Debra L. Daniel (Nicodemus)
Donna K. Daniels (Savino)
Richard G. Darnell
Stephen R. Daughenbaugh
Donald E. Daugherty
James Daugherty
John C. Daversa
Delores D. David
Betty C. Davis (Dickey)
Brian M Davis
Kenneth E. Davis
Jim Dawson
Alexander De Stefano
Bonnie R. Dean (Barry)
John A. DeAntonio
Merry C. Decker
Rodger A. Deeter
Gary L. Delaney
Edward J. Dell
Wayne L. Delozier
John C. Dennis
Mary Ellen Dennis (Burke)
Daniel L. Detwiler
David A. Detwiler
Terry L. Detwiler
Robert A. Di Ventura
Eloise Dickson (Lape)
Patricia Dietze (McClintock)
Susan E. Dietze (Dilling)
Lana M. DiFiore
Roberta D. Diggins (Daugherty)
Deborah Dillen (Weyandt)
Ronald Daniel DiSabato
Eugene D. Dodson
Donna M Dominick (Treese)
Vincent J. (Vince) Dominick
Sylvia Domkoski (Ingram)
Mary E. Down (Guyton)
Stephen P. Downing
Patricia A. Doyle
James M. Drass
Charles A. Dry
Jean A. Duffy (Closson)
Robert F. Dugan
Gary W. Dumm
Paul G. Dumm (Dumm)
Charles S. Dunkel
John J. Ebersole
Stephen M. Ebersole
Cloyd W. Eckard
Linda L. Eckard-Carothers (Moseman)
Susan F. Eckels (Vipond)
P. Rodger Ecker
Sharon L. Eckhard
Linda C. Eckley
Samuel M. Edelman
Leslie E. Edmiston (Musselman)
Bonnee G. Edwards
Deborah A. Edwards (Burtoft)
Kathleen Edwards (Shaffer)
Larry L. Edwards
Polly J. Egan (Bader)
Elizabeth A. Ehredt (Shaffer)
Michael D. Ehredt
Susan L. Eichelberger
William H. Eichenlaub
Georgia C. Eisenhart (Lauer)
Cynthia Jane Eisenhower (McCaulley)
Shukar Elahee
William J. Ellick
Robert P. Ellis
Ron C. Ellis
Frederick J. Elvey
Charles W. Endress
Thomas J. Engleman
Barry W. Ernest
George C. Espenlaub
Martha (Marti) Evans (Ives)
Rod Ewing
Margaret Fahr (Murtiff)
Odette Fanelli (Ruggieri)
Daniel J. Faretta
William J. Faust
Patricia A. Fawks (Fischer)
Guy R. Ferguson
Leslie E. (Bud) Ferry
James A. Figart
Franklin M. Finelli
John J. Fiore
James W. Fisher
Olive P. Fisher
Shirley J. Fisher (Payne)
Patricia A. Flanagan (McCloskey)
Jesse B. Fleck
Michael J. Fleck
Terry L. Fleck
Linda K. Fluke (Ginter)
Donald W. Focht
Larry J. Focht
Susan Folk (Gansauer)
Deborah F. Foor (Jeffco)
Judith A. Foor (Martin)
Kermit P. Foor
Vaughn F. Foor
Carol Forney (Fellinger)
John C. Forney
Rebecca Fornwalt (Baker)
Thomas J. Fornwalt
Bonnie L. Forsht (Mishock)
Douglas L. Fowler
John R. Fox
Clayton E. Frantz
Richard T. Frasca
James Frazier
Thomas A. Frederick
William E. Freet
Janet K. Fries (Ellis)
Linda M. Fries (Louder)
Carol J. Fry (Musselman)
John D. Frye
Jerry L. Fultz
Linda C. Furman (Tobelmann)
Alice A. Fyock (Stouffer)
Carol A. Garlick (Rhodes)
Carl Frank Garner
Joseph A. Gates
Sharon L. Geddes
Rebecca Jane Gehrdes (Valuch)
Richard L. Geis
Gregory E. Gentile
Christine L George (Shuke)
Sue A. George (Gurney)
Dennis A. Georgiana
Christine Gerber (Cloud)
James E. Gibson
Linda K. Gillman (Niblette)
Daniel J. Gioiosa
Susan Marie Giordano
Michael J. Giosa
Ella Marie Glass
Cynthia Glenn (Kerscher)
Sandra Glenn (Wagner)
Thomas A. Goden
David F. Goodman
Jennie Lee Goodman (Benton)
Anna J. Gordon (Fryer)
Wehnnetta J. Grabill (Williams)
Diana K. Graffius (Shuma)
Donald F. Graham
Jo Anne Graham
Michael A. Grassi
Deborah A. Green (Henshey)
Rita A. Green
Trudy A. Green (Morning)
Deborah Greenwood (Lambert)
John W. Greiner
Linda M. Greiner (Lord)
Jean L. Griffith (Miller)
Bonnie Grove (Porta)
Deborah K. Grove (Showalter)
Michael L. Grove
Rodney W. Grove
William C. Grove
Sandra J. Grum (Focht)
Donna J. Gutshall
Diane G. Guyer (Nason)
Mary Ann Hagan
John E. Halerz
Wayne W. Hall
Richard D. Haller
Linda L. Hallman
Ronald J. Halloran
Michele Hamilton (Jones)
Shirley L. Hamilton (Neely)
Sherry L. Hammond
Randy W. Hampton
Gaius A. (Doc) Hanawalt
Jeffrey L. Hancock
John L. Hancuff
Andi Handler (Gabler)
Vickie L. Harder (Bartley)
Deborah A. Harkless (Hipp)
Mary E. Harnish (Wilde)
Linda M. Harris
Ramon Harris
Robert A. Harrison
Barbara A. Harshbarger (Ta…)
Robert H. Harshbarger
Deborah A. Harten (Harten-…)
Laura J. Hauck (Shivers)
Margo A. Hauser (Osterhout)
Donald W. Hauser Sr
Linda Hayes (Hayes)
Lucinda A. Heacox
Harold E. Heaton
Mary L. Heaton
Joseph M. Hebler
Jeffrey L. Hecht
Dolly J. Heidler (Hoopes)
Cynthia A. Heikes (Siedlarczyk)
Deborah K. Heinsling (Confer)
Ronald P. Helfrich
Dee Anne Helsel
Diane L. Helsel
Shirley M. Helsel (Hight)
Susan Helsel (Helsel)
James L. Hemcher
Margaret Hemond (Rockwell)
Rose M. Henderson (Taddy)
David E. Herbert
Rebecca J. Hershey (Moran)
Mary A. Hess (Johnson)
Richard H. Hess
Susan Heverly (Shannon)
Carol L. Hileman (Walters)
Timothy G. Hileman
Priscilla A. Hill (Daniell)
Shirley L. Hiltner (Iorio)
Robert R. Hilton
David L. Hoffman
Gary W. Hoffman
Susan Hoffman (Pigott)
Bonnie L. Holderman (Pfeffer)
Priscilla Holland (Brantner)
Susan A. Hollenbach (Faretta)
Carol Hollingsworth (Paulick)
Thomas E. Hollobaugh
Judy Holsinger (Berryman)
Cheryl L. Hoover (Kerns)
Connie E. Hoover (Fields)
Howard P. Hoover
Michael B. Hopkins
Peggy J. Horner
Charles J. Horon
John F. Horon
Linda Ann Horrel
Carol A. Hostetler (Snyder)
Glenda S. Houseman (Scotto)
Paul G. Howard
Phyllis M. Howsare (Frazier)
James F. Hughes
Nancy Darlene Hunt (Brumbaugh)
Linda L. Hunter
Thomas B. Hurliman (Hurliman)
Joseph P. Ickes
Karen L. Imler (Wilson)
Catherine M. Ingoldsby (Pavco)
Larry R. Ingram
Therese K. Iovannone (Iovannone)
Johannah Irwin (Carper)
Wendy Irwin (Toldi)
David R. Isenberg
Gary S. Isenberg
Marjorie Ann James (Closson)
Carol L. Janosik (Malloy)
Stephen T. Jeffco
Bruce S. Johnson
Charles A. Johnson
Paul L. Johnson
Thomas W. Johnson
Richard A. Johnston
Baron L. Jones
Linda S. Jones (Berkey)
Thomas S. Jones
John M. Kaltenbrunner
Michael B. Kaminski
George M. Kane
Phyllis J. Kane (Polito)
Sheryl A. Kasianowitz (Ardrey)
Joanne M. Kast (Bigler)
Anthony T. Kasun
Donald R. Kaufman
Gregory R. Keech
Doris J. Keith (Drass)
Larry J. Keith
David A. Kell
David L. Keller
Diane L. Kelley (Minnich)
Susan L. Kelley
James E. Kelly
John F. Kennan
Deborah Kennedy (Watchey)
Oliver Alan Kensinger
Burton R. Kephart
Debra A. Kepner (Keirn)
Robert D. Kerns
Maxine Keyes (Elvey)
Donna M. Kitt (Wood)
Patricia Anne Klein (Bennett)
John E. Kline
Leslie A. Kline (Kudra)
Linda Kline (Frye)
Donna Klink (McCollum)
Evelyn M. Klopp (Gority)
Pamela K. Knepp (Bitzel)
Paulette Knight (Davis)
Dennis M. Knox
Beverly J. Koch (Keith)
Anita M. Koehle (Kissell)
Judith K. Koelle (Farabaugh)
Kathleen S. Koelle (Hogan)
Charles N. Kogon
Richard Koller
Deborah L. Koontz (Davis)
Gary E. Kotecki
Rodman J. Krape
George D. Krause
Carol A. Kruise (Fagan)
Glenn D. Kuhn
Jerry E. Kuhns
Ollie W. Kuhns
Kathleen M. Kull (Lewis)
David B. Kulp
Cheryl D. Kuny
Chester H. Lafferty
Lois Laine (Lynn)
Carol J. Laird
Suzy Lane (Elliott)
Cheryl Ann Langer (Davis)
Mary Christine Lantzer
Patrick W. Laret
Linda G. Largent (Ladysmithe)
Lewis J. Lastort
Shirley E. Lattieri
Linda Louise Lauer (Porta)
John W. Laughlin
Barry R. Lawson
Carol A. Le Fevre (Clinger)
Adrian H. Leap
William Lechner
Linda Lee (Rinaldi)
Darvin E. Lego
Judith A. Lego (McMullen)
Harold A. Leighty
Bill Leipold
Linda L. Leonard (Eicher)
John W. Leopold
Anthony D. Lepore
George D Lepore
Joseph J. Letscher
Linda J. Lewis (Bunge)
Steven C. (Steve) Lewis
Priscilla Ann Lichen
Shannon G. Lieb
Rosemary Ann Lilly (Lange)
Kay L. Lindsay (Germann)
Robert T. Lingafelt
Philip A. Linn
Ray Linn
Pamela J. Lioy (Spallone)
Mary D. Litzinger (Weibley)
Bert A. Lloyd
Anna C. Lockard (Stom)
Stephen J. Lockard
C. Richard Logan
Richard M. Loibl
Charlotte L. Long
Jeffrey M. Long
Kathy A. Long (Eamigh)
Kenneth W. Long
Larry W. Longenecker
Carl L. Longo
Lois Longo
Judith Longstreth (Grace)
Anna Mae Loop (Noel)
Patrick E. Loucks
Joan Louise Love (Mack)
William L. Lowey
Dennis O. Lowry
Theresa Lozinski (Plunket)
Dennis A. Lunglhofer (Lungl…)
Micky Lutchko (Conway)
Linda L. Lyle Magruder (Kyser)
Richard B. Lynn
Betsy A. Lytle (Turnbaugh)
Mary F. Lytle (Bradley)
David W. Machtley
Rickey A. MacIntyre
Nancy Mack (Popovich)
Darlene Madden (Alexander)
Deborah A. Maitland (Burgan)
Jane L. Mallam (Gable)
Keith D. Mallett
Shirley A. Mallory (Ray)
David D. Malone
David H. Mannion
Craig J. Marasco
Diana M. Marketta (Nedohon)
Daniel J. Marketti
Jacqueline R. Markle (Shaw)
Robert J. Martellacci
Kathleen Martin (Montgomery)
Amerigo A. Mascia Jr
Sally Mascitelli (Sentner)
Karen M. Mathers (Worley)
Rene A. Mathieu (Winslow)
Cheryl Mauk (Bulger)
Craig S. Maurer
Robert L. Mays
Daniel A. McAleer
Kathy S. McBurney
John F. McCafferty
Barbara A. McCann (Pounds)
Linda G. McCartney (Brown)
Grant L. McCaulley
David H. McClain
Eddie McClellan
Eddie E. McCloskey
David P. McClure
Richard L. McConahy
Carlene G McConnell
Daniel L. McConnell
Daryl K. McConnell
Donna McConnell (Robeson)
Richard E. McConnell
Terry L. McConnell
Yvonne L. McConnell (Snyder)
Richard L. McCorkle
William K. McCulloch
Lawrence E. McCully
James A. McDermitt
Theodore B. McDermott
Patricia J. McDonough (Schraff)
Sharon A. McDowell (Logan)
William E. McFarland
Sharon L. McGeary (Newton)
Timothy W. McGill
Daniel W. McGregor
Dennis E. McGuire
Marilyn L. McIntire (LeGrand)
Hazel H. McIntyre (Teeters)
John W McKee
John W. McKee
Matthew McKee
Raymond F. McKelvey
Mary E. McKinney
Wilma McKinney (Wooding)
Doreen McKnight (Fox)
James S. McManus
Linda L. McMaster (Harvilchuck)
Leroy B. McMillen
Raymond J McMullen
Thomas W. McMullen
William R. McNeal
David J. McTigue
Robert E. McVey
Cheryl L. Meals (Sessler)
John E. Means
Deborah Mearkle (Hatch)
Dean A. Mentzer
William R. Mentzer
Sandra K. Merritts (Mallory)
David J. Metzger
C. Hope Miller (Poinde…)
Christina M. Miller (Richards)
Christine Miller (Stachmus)
Darlene K. Miller (McTavish)
David E. Miller
Gail Miller (Montgomery)
Gary A. Miller
Jon G. Miller
Linda L. Miller (Stine)
Pamela R. Miller (LeGrow)
Rose M. Miller (Kimmel)
Sandra K. Miller (Marra)
William H. Miller
Edward E. Miller Jr
Severio D. Mincin
Kathleen D. Mirabella
Richard J. Misitano
Sylvia A. Mock
Janet Monaco
Sandra L. Mongan (Ferry)
George M. Montgomery
Janice L. Montgomery (Ebersole)
John J. Monti
William J. Moore
Linda D. Morrison
Michael Mosel
Bonnie C. Moser (Manning)
Robert W. Mowery
Lodema S. Moyer (Butler)
David A. Mueller
Deborah Muldoon (Heller)
Charles A. Mullen
Leo C. Mullen
Charles D. Musselman
Joyce M. Musselman (Wagner)
Thomas E. Musser
Daniel R. Myers
Stephen A. Myers
William M. Myers
Naqualla N. Nabers (Whitehead)
Thayne S. Nader
Barbara A. Nagle
Connie J. Nagle (Allan)
Marjorie A. Najduch (Grimme)
Patty Nale (Carlheim)
Paul F. Nasrallah
Jon A. Neely
Rick Neuman
Ann Nicodemus (Harshbarger)
Galen L. Noel
Colleen K. Nolan
Robert C. Nolan
Laura N. Novick
Deborah L. Nuse (Meese)
Patricia Nuse (Daugherty)
Dave Nycum (Nycum)
George S. O'Brian
Richard T. Orndoff
William F. Orr
Carl C. Oschea
Tanya M. Ostrander (Bush)
Margaret L. Ott (Almond)
Carol K. Over (Tipton)
Gregg C. Over
James A. Over
Kathryn L. Oyler (Smith)
Diane Panos (Dantos)
Dean T. Papadeas
Anita Pappas
Kathleen A. Park (Cassidy)
Marjorie L. Parks (Mattas)
Patricia L. Parson (Frey)
Georgia A. Parsons
Carmen J. Patete Jr.
Donald P. Patterson
Joyce E. Patterson (Stark)
Deborah Patton (Lechner)
David B. Paul
Jeffrey W. Peary
Joanne Pechter (Fain)
Philip S. Perchy
John E. Perkins
Linda K. Peters (Watt)
Patricia E. Peters (Mahon)
Gary R. Peterson
Paul E. Pfahler
Gail Diane Pheasant (Cowfer)
Gerald K. Phelan
Charles M. Phillips
Kenneth G. Phillips
Gloria Pietrolungo (Wagner)
Jill M. Pike (Glunt)
Marie L. Pincher (Wolford)
Barbara K. Pincin (Grimminger)
Terry L. Pincin
Robert W. Pine
Cynthia P. Piper (Mercado)
Alan C. Pittsinger
George E. Plisinski
Virginia A. Plummer (Rider)
John A. (Jack) Plunket
Abbei Pompa (Brawley)
Robert L. Port
Janet M. Porta (Lego)
Stephen L. Porter
John A. Potopa
Nichole Preis (Lustig)
Karen L. Pressler (Spaulding)
Thomas G. Price
Mary C. Priddy
Ronald F. Pruznak
Edward J. Ptak
James Pucciarella
Nancy C. Quarello (Rickabaugh)
Jacob A. (Jack) Quatrara
Donna L. Queen
Barbara Q. Quiggle (Trammell)
Deborah Quintili (Wasko)
Diana L. Quintilli (Hooper)
Dennis M Rafferty
Nancy J. Ramazzotti (Harris)
Charon K. Ramsey (Clabaugh)
Stanley W. Raugh
Cynthia Rawlings (McGill)
Bryan D. Raybuck
Francis M. Reagan
Joseph H. Reed
Ann D. Reilly (Ironside)
David J. Reilly
Dorcas E. Replogle (Knutsen)
Laura L. Replogle (Grandas)
Donald E. Rhodes
Howard R. Rice
Firl C. Richards
Ronald E. Richards
Carole F. Richardson
Paul W. Richardson
John J. Rickabaugh
Robert Rickabaugh
Steven L. Rider
Gary J. Riley
Dennis J. Rinehart
James Lee Robb
Joseph F. Robertazzi…
Beverly M. Robertson (Wilinski)
Jeffrey D. Robison
Kathie Sue Robison (Owens)
Shari C. Robison
Frederick G. Rodkey
Linda L. Rogers (Goetz)
Kathy Roselle
Luana S. Ross (Rineer)
Joseph J. Rouzer
Judith H. Rowland (Waldron)
Robert G. Rowland
Daniel A. Rubine
Gordon L. Runk
Anthony B. Ruscito
Vincent K. Russell Sr.
Thomas A. Russo
Carol I. Rutherford (Weston)
Charles C. Sadler
Linda Saleme (Grieco)
Robert E Sandrus
Sallyann Sassaman
Starrla L. Savine (Burfield)
Tina F. Savino (Benner)
Paulette G. Scacco (Woomer)
Ralph J. Scherden
Clyde W. Schimminger
Janet C. Schirf (Kazinski)
Ronald E. Schlecht, Sr
Donald P. Schlehr
Allen P. Schmelzen
Candace L. (Candy) Schmer…
Debra A. Schmid (Root)
Marilyn Schmidhammer (B…)
Maureen Ann Schmidhammer (Caro…)
Terrance G. Schmitt
Richard E. Schorner
Thomas Schorner
Elaine Schroth (Le Fevre)
Elsie Schroth (Wright)
Reva Beth Schulman (Feldman)
Sheldon D. Schultz
Barbara J. Sebeste
Mary S. Seymore (Condron)
Virginia L. Seymore (Pelle…)
Diane M. Shaffer (Couderc)
Jeffrey F. Shaffer
John E. Shaffer
Linda Kay Shannon (Brantner)
Howard S. Shapiro
Robert A. Shaw (Shaw)
Arvilla Sherman (Brinkmeyer)
David D. Shiffler
John A. Shiffler
William D. Shirk
Bill Shoaf
Linda L. Shope (Knouse)
Wayne H. Showalter
Larry E. Shultz
Brinton M. Simington
Gloria L. Sipes (Rinehart)
Betty L. Siry (Reed)
Davida Sky
Kathleen A. Slee (Bailor)
Nancy A. Smeal (Hollingsworth)
Carole A. Smith (Lee)
Clark S. Smith
Dean H. Smith
James W Smith
Marcia Smith (Bell)
Margaret M. (Peggy) Smith (Cawthern)
Patricia Smith (Isenberg)
Philip J. Smith
Richard A. Smith
Sandra P. Smith (Blair)
Terry C. Smith
Jay C. Smyers
James A. Snow
Donald L. Snyder
Stanley E. Snyder
Stephen E. Snyder
Barbara Soldenwagner (Smouse)
John W. Soult
Robert A. Spagnola
Eileen F. Spalding
Irene Spallone (Grassi)
Judy Ann Speacht (Soolook)
Paul R. Spievogle
Edgar W. Sprankle
Sharyn E. Springman (McGough)
Stephen Stacey
Stephen F. Stahl
Shirley M. Stahler
Larry E. Staley
Emmor E. Stambaugh (Boslet)
Dennis J. Stamm
Cathy A. Steckroth (Anderson)
Rebecca Steckroth (Young)
John B. (Jack) Stehl…
Judd R. Stehley
Larry E. Stehley
John F. Steinbauer
Annetta M. Steinbugl (McClellan)
Dennis D. Steinbugl
Edward A. Steinbugl
Robert A. Stephenson
Jennie L. Stevens (Sigmon)
Sherida A. Stevens (Richards)
Jorja S. Stewart (Neal)
Judith E. (Judy) Stitt (Car…)
Kevin R. Stitt
Alice L. Stoltz (Smith)
David J. Stoltz
Janet Stolz (Harris)
Nancy C Stratton
Sharon J. Strohman (Luther)
Stephanie A. Suter (Krebel)
Judith S. Swartz (Smith)
Judy A. Sweitzer (King)
Michael L. Swope
Bonita M. Tamburrino
James G. Teeter
David T. Thackaberry
Dwayne B. Thomas
Jeffrey Raye Thomas
Maurice E. Thompson
Robert Carl (Tiny) Thompson
Jack E. Titleman
Timothy P. Treese
Maureen J. Tremmel
Linda Trexler (Campagna)
Wayne D. Trostle
Dorothy A. Trout
Linda L. Troutman (Spencer)
Patricia Troutman (Ernest)
Ruth Ann Troutman (Bell)
Daniel R. Tull
Patricia Turchetta (Way)
Ronald L. Turchetta
Barbara Turnbaugh (Campbell)
William N. Turner
Michael W. Twardon
Donald R. Uliano
Cindy L. Ulrich (Brownell)
Daniel A. Urban
John J. Valentino
Mary J. Van Ormer (Bennett)
James M Vance
Daniel L. VanZandt
James M. Vasel
Dennis F. Vaughn
Martha Vaughn (Long)
Sharon L. Vaughn (Ashburn)
Nicholas Villani
Beverly Vipond (Lowe)
Gerald S. Wagner
Richard D. Wagner
Janice E. Waite (Muccitelli)
Linda L. Waite
Deborah J. Walker
Guy M. Walter
Dorothy Walters (Hauck)
Harold L. Walters
Bernadette M. Warren (Boul…)
Robert P. Watchey
James M. Watt
Joseph J. Watt
Gerrit C. Way
Deborah J. Weaver (Bernhart)
Gilbert G. Webb
Nancy L. Weidler (Finnegan)
Jill A. Weight (Ebersole)
Esther J. Wenrich (Ferguson)
Donna Werner (Chestney)
Tom D. Wertman
Peggy J. Wertz (Young)
William E. Wesley
Francis Lee Wesner
Anna Jane Weston (Baughman)
Robert E. Weston
Linda J. Weyandt
G. Robert Wharton
Andrew A. Whitbred (Whitbred)
Joan M. White (Carbalan)
John C. White
Kathy L. White (Caporuscio)
Donald D. Whitfield II
Jack R. Whitman
Larry A. Whitman
Deane A. Whittaker
Donald F. Wike
Larry W. Wilkes
Danny W. Willey
David L. Williams
Gordon D. Williams
Jack R. Williams
Rae J. Williams (Chirdon)
Terry L. Williams
Gary M. Willis
Joseph Rand Wilson
Thomas E. Wilson
Allen C. Wilt
David L. Wilt
Sharon A. Wilt
Margaret L. Winkler (Ingram)
Paula A. Winnaugle (Diedrich)
Richard E. Winstead
Mark A. Wisor
Kathleen Witters (Korbar)
Penny L. Wolfe (Knisely)
Randy J. Wolfe
D. Marianne Wolfgang
Linda L. Wolfinger (Lehman)
Jeffrey C. Wolford
Richard H. Wood
Teglund T. Wood Sr
Carol Lee Woodring (Belin)
Larry P. Woomer
Linda I Woomer (Moore)
William M. Wright
Cheryl D. Yingling
Susan E. Yingling (Lender)
Trudy S. Yingling (Wolfe)
Gary B. Yoder
Alan C. Yohn
Marcus L. Yohn
W. Stephen Young
W. Dennis Young MD (Young)
Judy A. Zeigler (Robison)
Gail L. Zimmerman (Bartley)
John W. Zorger
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